Crying Jordan Post-Grad Millennials

The millennial post-grad struggle and all it’s many losses that are waiting to be claimed.

4 min readJan 19, 2017

They lay it out so easily for you to understand growing up.

Go to college,

get the degree,

make the money,

give back to the community you came from.

But lemme ask you, when has it ever really been that easy?

So you’ve made it to hell and back. After countless hours of studying, crying, partying, hoping, and praying you’ve finally done it. You’ve got the degree! (Nevermind your school holds it for ransom until the bursar is paid lol)

Now you’re looking to the next chapter. If you were forward thinking you’ve already pinned down an internship, or maybe even had a great paying job lined up. Sounds like you’ve beat the game right?

So you got the good job now. You start trying to get the devil up off you making payments on your student loans. You’ve finally graduated from “college broke” and have stopped stocking up on noodles, and are now eating real meals again! No more juggling bad decisions whether to sacrifice food or gas money to go to the bars?! Post-grad got you like…

Plot Twist

The job market ain’t what they said it would be. You barely making what your parents made years back at the same age, but yet the price of living has gone up. You’ve worked hard just to be let down. Even worse, if you didn’t already you now have real-life adult ahh bills coming in and they’re in YOUR NAME! They're smacking you upside the head every month with no remorse.

Car note,


Phone bill,




Cost to eat,


and of course good ole student loans. 😊

Collection Chef coming for your pockets, sprinkling responsibility like..

If your job is even permitting you to live alone, you are going through it at this point. Bet you thought you was about to have all the new makeup pallets, all the new J’s, etc… Nah. The increase in earnings you thought you had was at scale. Not only did your money glo up, but so did your bills. Saddest thing about it all, that refund check moved on from you and got a new bae now. 😭 It done got really real in the field now, you real life broke out here! Just when you thought you beat the game, life hands you yet another Crying Jordan Meme.

But alas, I’m here to offer up to you some words of encouragement. While life may seem like the wham now, it’s really not all that bad. Yea you’re broke, but you at least have free time! Time is the most precious asset you have. Mind you, this is the same free time you can sacrifice for part-time money (MESSAGE).

If sacrificing time for money in the micro isn’t your steelo, use the time to build your own destiny for the macro. Some elect to go back to grad school to gain the extra credentials for the dream job they tell you you don’t have enough experience for. LOL For the entrepreneurial spirits, the extra time should be used to build the groundwork for business. If you work 9–5, you should be punched back in at 6 outside of your job to work on your business.

It can’t be stressed enough, your twenties should be spent working. It should be mainly work but with splashes of travel, celebration, and memories to keep the sanity. Always try maintain balance. While it may seem like a scam, post-grad life is really what you make of it. You will get in what you put out simple as that! In hindsight, we’ll wish for these years back later. Don’t regret your twenties because you sat and moped in your own tears. Where you are at now is the most exciting and pivotal part of your life! Being broke is only a state of mind. Besides, your money can’t do comedy tours for too long. I understand your twenties is the time to have fun and make memories, but please be responsible. (Ahem *coughs* Credit Cards *coughs*)

All in all the most useful advice I can give you is to always be working. Besides, you can’t go wrong with working hard…

Just look how far it’s gotten you…but then again what do I know?

Love and blessings




They say it's lonely at the top in whatever you do. B.A.G. - 1 9 0 6🤙🏾